My April Reading List

I just finished gathering a new pile of books for my nightstand and I can’t wait to share them with you!  Here’s a quick look at my reading list for April.

April 2016 Reading List

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Before looking at this month’s list, you need to know that Simply Tuesday was my favorite read from March.  Emily P. Freeman’s words have impacted me in the best way.  If you’ve not grabbed your copy of Simply Tuesday, now is the time get your copy and get small.  It’s been life-changing and I cannot recommend it enough.

My April Reading List

1. The Daniel Plan

Healthy lifestyles and healthy eating are two areas that Hubby and I have wanted to improve for longer than I can remember.  Ironically enough, with all of the information available it’s difficult to find a starting place.  There’s so much information available that it’s overwhelming.  Nevermind the fact that it’s not uncommon to find contradictions in all of that information!

It finally clicked for us one day that we need to push aside the contradicting voices and get committed to better health.  That’s how we ended up with a copy of The Daniel Plan.  I’m happy that it combines faith with the food and fitness and looking forward to diving in.

April 2016 Reading List

2.  Wild and Free

Time for some real talk: I reviewed some fantastic books last year — lots of which I’m better for reading — but I often felt overwhelmed by the commitments and deadlines.  While I’m grateful for those opportunities, I let reading become a chore.  It became work and it became less enjoyable as the year went on.

God reminded me early on this year that it’s okay to say no.  I found ridiculous freedom in that!  So, while saying no to some reviews and blogging opportunities may seem silly and small, it’s given me some breathing room and a chance to enjoy what I’m doing.

Long story short, I’m saying yes when I’m excited to say yes and that’s it!  That brings me to Wild and Free. I’m beyond excited to be a part of this launch team!  I’ve followed Hayley Morgan and Jess Connolly for the longest and have drawn much encouragement from them.  There’s no way I’d miss a book from these two!

As far as the premise, that line on the cover grabs hold of me in ways I can’t explain.

A hope-filled anthem for the woman who feels she is both too much and never enough.”

That’s all I needed to know that Wild and Free is a book I need in my life.  I feel like that all. the. time.

April 2016 Reading List

3.  Homeschooling: What to Do When You Want to Quit

I’m so happy to be a part of this project!   The chapter I wrote in Homeschooling: What to Do When You Want to Quit is about homeschooling while going through financial struggles or job loss, but there’s much more to this book!

This book has been a great addition to my homeschool library!  I started reading this one in March and am still working my way through it due to its sheer volume.  It pretty much covers any homeschooling issue you could be wrestling with and gives you the encouragement and information you need to keep going.

April 2016 Reading List

4.  The Nightingale

I don’t know a ton about The Nightingale, but I do know that I feel like I’m starving for fiction right now.  I haven’t made much time for fiction in the last year and it’s getting to me.  I figure a book with 20,000+ 5 star reviews on Amazon can’t be a bad way to get some fiction back in my life.

April 2016 Reading List
What are you reading this month? I’d love add some new items to my reading list!