12 Must-Read Books for New Homeschoolers

It’s not uncommon to deal with information overload when you’re new to homeschooling. If you’re wondering where to begin while sifting through social media, zillions of homeschool websites and blogs, and an ever-growing selection of homeschool books, you’re in luck. Today I’m sharing ten must-read books for new homeschoolers.

10 Must-Read Books for New Homeschoolers

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Don’t get me wrong. That wealth of information available can be valuable, but if you jump in too soon, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed. Even worse, you could find yourself more confused than when you started reading.

[socialpug_tweet tweet=”New to #homeschooling? Don’t miss these must read books for new homeschoolers. #ihsnet” display_tweet=”New to #homeschooling? Don’t miss these must read books for new homeschoolers. #ihsnet”]

Thankfully that’s not the case with these must-reads. These books for new homeschoolers will leave you equipped, encouraged, and ready to keep calm and homeschool on. Let’s take a look, shall we?

10 Must-Read Books for New Homeschoolers

Before we jump into the books, keep in mind that the links in the overviews below all lead to Amazon. If you prefer to support independent bookstores through your purchases, see this Bookshop.org list.

1. This Is My Home, This Is My School

This may seem like a strange place to start, but I wish I had This Is My Home, This Is My School when we started our homeschool journey. There is no shortage of children’s books that reflect life for children going to school, but that’s not the case for homeschooling.

That’s why this book is a must-have for homeschool newbies. It’s a powerful experience to see families like yours represented in the pages of a book, for children and parents alike.

2. Teaching in Your Tiara

The tagline for Teaching in Your Tiara is “a homeschooling book for the rest of us” and that’s exactly why it’s great for new homeschoolers. It’s full of practical advice, implementable instruction, and encouragement to help you along as you start your homeschool journey.

3. Home Learning Year by Year

Home Learning Year by Year by Rebecca Rupp is a book I recommend to all new homeschoolers and it’s honestly one I think you’ll turn to over and over again throughout the years. That’s especially nice if it takes a while to find curricula or teaching methods that work for your family.

In a nutshell, it’s a general guideline of what to cover and when. This is especially helpful if you’re piecing together your own learning plan or if you’re not using one curriculum or publisher across the board.

4. So, You’re Thinking About Homeschooling

I devoured So, You’re Thinking About Homeschooling when I started researching home education. I knew I liked the concept of homeschooling, but had no idea of what it needed to look like in the day-to-day. This book provided insight for fifteen possible homeschooling families, the circumstances and challenges they deal with, and how they homeschool.

This list is on Bookshop.org!

Prefer to support independent bookstores through your purchases? You can find these books and some extras on my Books for New Homeschoolers List on Bookshop.org. Check it out through the link below!

5. The Call of the Wild and Free

Ainsley Arment’s The Call of the Wild and Free is a fantastic book to keep around if you’re new to homeschooling. Not only is it a book that helps you think through your reasons for choosing the homeschool life, but it’s also the kind that reminds you why you *continue* to choose it when things aren’t easy.

Also worth noting, it’s a great mix of encouragement and practical application, especially for those with elementary-aged kiddos or younger.

6. The Brave Learner

The Brave Learner is an awesome resource for homeschoolers in any part of the journey, but there’s a lot of wisdom here that new homeschoolers are in a wonderful place to receive.

It’s full of inspiration, practical ideas for partnering with your kids, and encouragement to see learning for what it really is: a big, bold adventure.

It takes enchanting, but abstract ideas about education and turns them into tangible experiences and applications. Whether you’re teaching your littles, teens, or in between kids, I absolutely recommend having this one to reference as needed!

7. For the Children’s Sake

In For the Children’s Sake, Susan Schaeffer Macaulay writes on what education could and should be through the lens of Christian worldview.

While the thoughts aren’t exclusively applicable to homeschooling, her perspective is valuable and thought-provoking and this is one of my absolute favorite books about home education and how it goes hand in hand with parenting.

8. The Core

Looking to learn more about incorporating classical education in your homeschool? Leigh Bortins’ The Core is a great place to start. This book is a go-to for many classical homeschooling families and you’ll find much to learn there!

9. A Charlotte Mason Education

This is the perfect book if you’re a new homeschool parent who is curious about the Charlotte Mason homeschooling method or simply don’t know where to begin with Charlotte Mason in your homeschool.

I absolutely recommend reading Ms. Mason’s works, but this is one of my favorite homeschooling books because it’s a great introduction to the homeschool method. I also appreciate that Levison kept A Charlotte Mason Education short and sweet; no one needs to be overwhelmed when exploring an educational philosophy!

10. The Confident Homeschooler

What I love about The Confident Homeschooler is how it helps you map out your purpose in homeschooling and get your footing for the journey. This is valuable because you can only get so far with homeschool if you don’t know your why or where you’re hoping to go.

11. Blueprint Homeschooling

As a new homeschooler, you’ll need help with the logistics regardless of your chosen method or curriculum. That’s where Blueprint Homeschooling comes into the picture. This book gives you the tools you need to design a homeschool plan that works for your family.

12. Plan to Be Flexible

Plan to Be Flexible encourages rhythms and routines over hardcore scheduling and helps homeschooling parents keep their sanity when life and homeschool collide.

10 Must-Read Books for New Homeschoolers

Looking for more help with getting started with homeschooling? Check out the following links:

2 thoughts on “12 Must-Read Books for New Homeschoolers”

  1. So glad to see Amy’s book here. I loved it. I haven’t read any of the others. I know scandalous lol Looks like I have some reading to do :P

    1. Well, I certainly didn’t read them all *before* I started homeschooling. There were some from this list that I used quite a bit to help me prepare, though. The rest came after the fact and are especially helpful for newer homeschoolers! :)

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