3 Important Reasons to Teach Creation Science in Your Christian Homeschool

Creation science has always been a topic of conversation in our home. That’s why we’re always grateful to discover new resources that help us dig in and understand the biblical account of creation in new ways.

Why you should be teaching creation science in your Christian homeschool, no matter what.

*This is a sponsored post; I received a free copy of Do You See What I See? for review purposes, but was not required to write a positive review. Also, this post contains affiliate links; 
see my full disclosure statement here.*

That’s where Chuck Renstrom’s Do You See What I See? comes in to the picture.

Do You See What I See? is full of detailed color photographs that make it easy to visualize earth before Noah’s flood and the way the flood impacted land, animals, and sea creatures.

But before we dig into that too much, let’s look at why it’s important to include creation science in your homeschool plans.

The Case for Teaching Creation Science in Your Homeschool

So, why is creation science so important for Christian families? Here are three important things to keep in mind.

1. Creation Science Is Complicated.

There are lots of theories about the origins of the universe and they continue to evolve with new discoveries and added context for past discoveries. This has been true for thousands of years and it’s not changing anytime soon.

Even so, there’s plenty of consensus and disagreement within the scientific community on what these discoveries ultimately mean in terms of the universe, our world, and all it contains.

Add the Bible’s account of creation to that mix and there’s even more complexity. Then, there are different denominational interpretations of what the biblical account actually means.

In other words, you’re dealing with a complicated topic whether you’re viewing creation science through a purely scientific perspective or a Christian worldview. Because of that, creation science is worthy of your time and attention.

That’s not to say you’ll ever land of a definitive understanding of creation, but it’s helpful for your kids to know why different communities — both scientific and faith-based — hold specific theories about this. Teaching creation science makes this possible.

2. Church Isn’t Enough.

It might be ideal to think we can rely on our churches to take the lead in teaching creation science, but that’s not the case.

The math says it all. If your kids spend two hours in church every Sunday for a year, that’s 104 hours in church. Keep in mind that kind of attendance is best-case scenario.

Miss a few Sundays and your time in church is less than a hundred hours in the 8,760 hours in your year. Even then, all of those hours will not be spent on creation science.

Through your church alone, your kids will most likely learn a variety of Old and New Testament truths in the course of a year. While creation science may be referenced on and off in those, it’s not usually covered enough for anyone — adults included — to get a solid understanding.

Why you should be teaching creation science in your homeschool

Point being, your church may be a blessing to you and your family, but it’s probably not providing significant coverage in the way of creation science.

If you want your kids to be familiar with the biblical account of creation, it’s on you to make it happen. Church alone isn’t enough.

3. Creation Science Helps Connect Other Subjects.

“Education is the science of relations.”

– Charlotte Mason

I attended public schools in my childhood and teenage years. Because of my educational background, I grew up with a very disjointed knowledge base among the core subjects.

Here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be that way for homeschoolers. We have the opportunity to include biblical truth in all subjects. Better yet, we have the unique privilege of connecting the dots between biblical truth and everything else.

Knowing creation science helps connect those dots in a way that no other subject can. From history, to geography, to science, the formerly disjointed comes together through creation science to tell God’s big story in a cohesive way.

How to Teach Creation Science

Now that we’ve covered the why behind teaching creation science in our homeschools, let’s talk about how to tackle it from a biblical worldview. Here are three ways to help you make this a regular part of your homeschool.

1. The Bible itself is an important place to start. Invite your kids to share their understandings on key creation texts. Don’t be afraid to share ideas from different denominations. You may be surprised how affirming it is to know that all Christians do not interpret these texts on creation in the same way.

2. A solid creation science curriculum also goes a long way. When my kids were younger, resources like Christian Kids Explore Creation Science from Bright Ideas Press were known for this.

Why you should be teaching creation science in your homeschool

3. You can also use quality books from Christian authors with multiple viewpoints to help your kids grasp aspects of creation science like creation itself and the flood in Genesis.

For example, Chuck Renstrom’s Do You See What I See? is a great resource for anyone who has a hard time grasping earth before and after the flood in Genesis 6-8.

I usually find it difficult to imagine a world that looks different than I see it now. I also find it downright mind-boggling to think of animals I’ve never seen. That’s why a book like Do You See What I See? is so valuable to me.

In it, author and photographer Chuck Renstrom shares more than one hundred pages of incredible photographs taken in Colorado. These photos feature rock formations and mudfossils taken in areas that are known to be rich in fossils.

Why you should include creation science in your homeschool plans

The amazing thing about all of these rock formations and mudfossils is that they spur on further exploration. A resource that spurs more learning is always a good sign, right?!? :)

Get your copy of Do You See What I See? on Amazon or through ChuckRenstrom.com for a signed copy!

Need some incentive for teaching creation science in your Christian homeschool? Here are 3 reasons to make time for it, no matter how full your homeschool planner is!

In closing, be encouraged. Science — even science involving the beginnings of the world as we know it — may seem intimidating and sometimes even contradictory when it comes to what’s referenced in the Bible. Even so, we’re in a great position as homeschooling families.

We can steward our time well and use it to give our children a solid foundation in the sciences, even creation science. That way they’re equipped with the information needed to think critically and better understand a variety of interpretations of data and scripture.