Back to Homeschool: School Room Spotlight

School supplies are filling the store shelves and, ready or not, Back to School time is here.  Although we school year-round, we’re busy getting ready for the transition to our new homeschool year.  Last week I shared our curriculum choices for preschool and 5th grade, but this week’s spotlight is on our school room.

Schoolroom Spotlight: Our Homeschool Space

We haven’t always had a designated space just for homeschooling and we made it through just fine during those times.  Now that I got that out of the way, can I just tell you how much I love having that designated space?  It makes homeschool life much easier.

When we schooled in the dining room, family room, and all throughout the house, the cleanup seemed endless and the distractions were often overwhelming.  Now that we have a spot just for homeschool, we can leave out projects we’re working on and eliminate some of our previous distractors.

Our Homeschool Space

Back to Homeschool: School Room Spotlight
The view from the kitchen

Our homeschool space was designed to be the breakfast nook of our home.  It’s not a huge space, but it meets our needs perfectly.  I love how it’s tucked into the corner of our home and how I can easily keep an eye on things while working in the kitchen.

Back to Homeschool: School Room Spotlight

Our school room contains two standard bookshelves, one cube storage unit, and a table.  The bookshelf to the left of the table contains books and curriculum we don’t use regularly, but still need to keep accessible.  The bookshelf to the right of the table holds all of the materials we’re currently using, our printer, and two hermit crabs.  (Prissy and The Boy would be upset if I didn’t mention Pony and Rocky.)

Our cube unit contains the supplies we use frequently and picture books.  That’s also where our Legacy Marbles, piggy bank, and stereo stay.

Back to Homeschool: Our Homeschool Space
Our ginormous human body poster is only on display temporarily. He’ll be gone once we’re done with our anatomy study.

We love the art in our homeschool space.  The mix of bright colors is perfect for our school room, but not so bright that it’s obnoxious.  Finding the right art was tricky since our school room is open to our kitchen and dining room and is visible from our foyer.

Our art is a good combination of DIY art and items we’ve purchased.  Some of our DIY projects were found on Pinterest, but some were prints I created just for us.  (If you’re looking to add some color to your homeschool space, you can download them for free here.)

We also have a couple of items from one of our favorite Etsy vendors displayed here.  You better believe that “Please excuse the mess” plaque needs to be clearly displayed at all times!


But our favorite pieces are from a super-talented local artist, Art of Hope‘s Hope G. Smith.  Hope’s art is the pride and joy of our small town and we’re happy to have her art in our home.  It doesn’t hurt that it’s gorgeous and perfectly fits who we are as a family.

And there you have it.  Thanks for taking a look at our little homeschool space.  It’s not fancy or frilly, but it gets the job done, and it’s definitely home sweet homeschool for us.

iHomeschool Network 7th Annual Not Back to School Blog Hop